What Is Mojo

A magic charm, talisman or spell that originated from the African-American folk belief called Hoodoo. Mojo is a bag containing magical items and the contents of each bag vary directly with the aim of the conjurer.

Great design has Mojo: an intangible magic that permeates your psyche and stimulates your senses. With over 25 years of experience designing high quality hospitality spaces, we have discovered the ingredients required to create outstanding environments. These are: Colour, Texture, Value, Function, Light, Space, Time and of course, Mojo.

We are experts in fast track development and create strong identities that enable concepts to grow into successful brands. We are one of very few design companies who owned and operated their own F&B business and utilise this experience to provide fine functional spaces for our clients.

We know that every element of the design needs to last and every day closed is lost revenue. Our design process starts with a strong brand story that your customers can understand, engage with and love. From this story, brand values are developed and then the fun starts: where interior and brand design are created so the sum of the parts add to a coherent whole. Join us in our journey to add Mojo one space at a time.

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